FAQs for Parents and Families


Academics at Fisher

At Fisher, the road to knowledge is one of experience and discovery. When students select a major, 他们开始学习一门旨在让他们在自己的领域取得进步的课程.

Are there certain values inherent in a Fisher education?

Fisher was founded in 1948 by the Basilian Fathers. Their motto, "Teach me goodness, discipline, and knowledge," continues to capture our traditions and values. In recognition of our commitment to service, 靠谱的十大网投实体平台多次被提名为总统高等教育社区服务荣誉名单,以表彰他为弱势青年提供的模范服务.

Is the focus at Fisher on liberal arts or career preparation?

Both. 为那些在自己所选择的学科中有能力并知道如何在世界上谈判的毕业生做好准备是费雪对你的承诺.

What if my child doesn't know what they want to study?

大约20%的申请者还没有决定,还有更多的人随着时间的推移改变了他们的专业. 每个学生将有一名一年级顾问和一名同侪顾问与他们一起工作. Once they declare a major, they will have an advisor in their field of study.

Our Center for Career and Academic Planning is also a great place for students to explore majors and outside opportunities.

Life at Fisher

如果你向费雪大学的学生询问十大靠谱彩票平台,他们很可能会用一个词:忙碌. 这听起来有点老套,但确实,在靠谱的十大网投实体平台的校园里从来没有沉闷的时刻.

How does Fisher help students transition to college?

一年级学生参加学习社区计划,学生小组一起参加两门一年级课程. 这使得新生有可能通过与教授和同学一起学习来适应大学生活. The Learning Community Program is the foundation of the First-Year Program at Fisher.

How safe is the campus?

Fisher is a very safe campus. 安全与安保办公室负责校园安全,全天24小时运作, seven days a week. Security officers conduct regular foot, bicycle, and auto patrols of all campus buildings, grounds, and parking areas.

进入宿舍是由上锁的入口门或门禁卡系统控制的. 宿舍每天24小时由保安人员或住宿顾问巡逻和监控. 所有其他校园设施每天根据既定时间表进行锁锁和锁锁.

安全与安保办公室为所有学生提供校园护送服务, faculty, staff, and visitors. The service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Learn more about safety on campus.

What does Fisher offer for fun?

作为罗切斯特的几所学院之一,靠谱的十大网投实体平台学院本身就是一个充满活力的小世界. There are many things to do on campus. 每个宿舍助理全年都有各种各样的活动计划. In addition, there are over 70 clubs and organizations. There is an involvement fair every fall, 俱乐部还通过电子邮件和海报让学生了解即将到来的活动. We have 24 NCAA varsity sports, so athletic events are common!

In addition, there are nice facilities on campus; students often gather at the campus center and fitness centers to spend time with friends. 学生活动委员会和学生会协会有许多赞助活动, both on-campus and off-campus. Past off-campus trips have included Cedar Point Park; Washington, DC; and Boston.

靠谱的十大网投实体平台的学生还受益于靠近罗彻斯特市中心,在那里他们可以利用所有令人兴奋的文化, entertainment, and recreational resources the city has to offer.

What services does the Health and Wellness Center provide?

The Health and Wellness Center is staffed by a registered nurse, family nurse practitioner (in consultation with a physician daily), and mental health counselors. Students are able to make appointments, confidentially, 我们的健康中心看起来就像普通的医生办公室.

我们还与费尔波特的韦格曼斯药房达成协议,将处方送到我们的校园. 学生可以把他们的处方放下,或者让他们的医生把处方送到我们的健康和保健中心,然后由医生在威格曼斯配药,并在当天运送到费雪.

More information can be found on the Health and Wellness Center website.

Admissions Process


What does rolling admission mean?

靠谱的十大网投实体平台大学实行滚动录取计划,并于11月中旬开始审核申请. 这意味着我们会按照收到申请的顺序对其进行审查,并在申请被认为完成后的3-4周内继续做出决定.


Learn more about the application process.

What are you looking for in applicants?

The middle 50% of accepted students to Fisher have a cumulative high school GPA ranging from an 87 to a 94; SAT scores ranging from 1070 to 1220; and/or ACT scores ranging from 21 to 26. This means that 50% of our accepted students fall within these ranges, 25% of our accepted students are above these ranges, and 25% of our accepted students fall below these ranges. Because we have a holistic review process, there is not one specific set of scores that defines an accepted Fisher student.

Note: Fisher is test-optional

In addition to strong academic performance, we are also seeking students who have a strong, 严格的课程设置以及学生在课堂之外的参与. 学生不仅保持一个具有挑战性的学习计划,而且还做兼职工作, playing a sport, playing in the band or singing in the chorus, running student organizations, etc. are the most successful in college.

How will my child be placed with a roommate?

First-year students are assigned to one of four residence halls (Murphy, MurrayWard, or Haffey) based on their First-Year Seminar class. 这是一门一学分的课程,为大学生活提供指导,并促进学业成功, personal growth, and career exploration. 一年级的研讨会课程被分组在特定的大厅,以促进课外互动.

Once your student has registered for classes, 宿舍生活工作人员决定每个研修班有多少学生, and assigns them to a building based on these numbers. Generally, five to eight seminar groups will be assigned to each hall. Within the hall, 根据学生在住房申请中提供的信息,学生将与他们的室友匹配.

For more information, refer to the ResLife FAQs for New Students page.

Who represents my child in the admissions process at Fisher?

我们很自豪地确保您和您的孩子在靠谱的十大网投实体平台的整个招生过程中都有一个特定的招生顾问. 如果你还没有见过你的招生顾问,你可以在我们的网站上找到他们的联系信息 Who Is My Counselor page.